Our colleagues at the OHTN have launched two exciting education initiatives that will help build capacity in the field of community based HIV/AIDS research.
The first is entitled the Learning Exchange for HIV/AIDS Peer Researchers (LEAP). LEAP provides high-quality, interactive and educational modules to support the work of peer researchers. LEAP collaborates with both community and academia and focuses on Peer Research Associates who are living with HIV.
There are numerous learning modules already on the website but the plan is to continue adding more. If your research team has a need for specific training materials, please contact LEAP.
The other initiative is the Learning Place for Community-Based Research in HIV/AIDS. Similar to LEAP, the website guides you through the many facets of community-based research (CBR) through the use of educational modules.
CBR topics will include applying to grants and awards, the ethics application process, working with peer researchers and KTE.
If you would like more information on participating in community based research, please get in touch with PAN’s CBR Manager, Andrea Langlois, at [email protected].