HIV and Aging:
An Environmental Scan of Programs and Services in Canada
Please join the PROJECT TEAM! Click here to download this announcement.
The Project Team will be composed of:
• Universities without Walls Fellow Charles Furlotte
• People living, and aging with HIV/AIDS (PHAs)
• Mentors, Le-Ann Dolan and Glenn Betteridge (CWGHR)
• National HIV and Aging Coordinating Committee representatives
• Representatives from community-based AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) and
aging organizations
The project team will have significant representation from community-based ASOs / PHAs from across Canada. We are looking for approximately 12 community-based ASOs / aging and PHA representatives who will commit to attending 3 or 4 teleconferences during the winter, spring and summer of 2013. In keeping with the Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA) principles, during these teleconferences and via email community-based ASO reps, PHAs and other team members will provide their advice and guidance on all project activities—from the development of the survey tool, to strategies to conduct the survey, to the structure and review of the final report, to dissemination of the research findings. It is important that we have diverse geographical, as well as ethno-racial and gender representations. As such, we will be seeking to get in contact with a variety of individuals from agencies in the following regions:
• Atlantic/Atlantique
• Ontario
• Québec
• Pacific/Pacifique (including Yukon)
• Prairies (including NWT and Nunavut)
If you would like to a join the project team, or for more information, please contact Charles Furlotte, UWW Fellow, at [email protected] by Wednesday February 20th, 2013.