As many of you know, in 2010-11, the Public Health Agency of Canada undertook a study of its HIV/AIDS Grants and Contributions (G & C) funding programs’ structure to obtain advice and evidence to inform the ongoing alignment, efficiency and effectiveness of it’s public health funding programs.
The firm, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton, conducted the study which involved the collection and synthesis of evidence from multiple sources, a literature review of background documentation, a benchmarking exercise of publicly administered funding programs in four Canadian provinces and in three high resourced/low HIV prevalence countries. Furthermore, two rounds of discussions with internal and external stakeholders, from a wide spectrum and background in HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases prevention and health promotion across Canada, gathered input and opinions on the current funding programs’ structure. These discussions also explored concrete avenues for the renewal of the funding programs’ structure.
The study findings, along with other evidence, and PHAC’s Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control realignment, are being used to inform a renewed communicable diseases G & C funding programs’ structure.
For your information, I am pleased to share with you the Study’s Final Report and Options Paper. If you have any questions or comments regarding these documents, please contact me at [email protected]
Jackie Arthur
Manager, Community Programs
Programs and Partnerships Division
Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control
Final Report
Options Report