Youth and Harm Reduction Webinar:
A Canadian perspective
Tuesday July 26th at 1:00 pm EST
The Canadian AIDS Society and our partners, is pleased to inviteyou to a webinar session looking at current youth specific harm reductionprograms and guidelines being used in different Canadian communities. The paneldiscussion will highlight the innovations and limitations of current programs,and insight into the future innovations of youth specific Harm Reduction inCanada.
Our Panelists are:
· Kori Doty who is the Harm reduction program manager at YouthCO inVancouver and will be speaking about the trends being seen in youth drug useand the different strategies YouthCO has been engaged in to reduce risk.
· Lisa Campbell Salazaris the ProjectCoordinator at the TRIP! Project through Central Toronto Community Health Centre’s who will be speaking about theinnovative youth related harm reduction strategies being used in Torontothrough the TRIP! Project.
During the webinar each presenter will have 20 minutes andat the end there will be 20 minutes of Q and A. This session is recommended forboth service providers and organizations currently involved in harm reductionand those looking to improve their organizations harm reduction strategies andprogramming surrounding youth.
This webinar will be in English but will be put on the CASwebsite with French translation as soon as possible.
To register or to obtain more information,please contact Brittany Graham at the Canadian AIDS Society ([email protected])
To attend webinar on July 25that 1 pm please
Dial 1-888-289-4573 with access code 7154192# and login online to:
access code7154192
Please provide your organization and contact information