"…The first PAN/OAN Level I Leadership Training from September 25, to September 28 2009 started when eighteen of us arrived at Loon Lake. No one knew quite what to expect though as time went on, the instruction to “trust the process” appeared to help. My experience of the weekend taught me not only “to trust the process,” but how to see the leader in myself. The thrill of being with others who were either new acquaintances or previously known and recognized leaders in our PWHA communities added to the integrity of the training.
Two trainers from OAN, Thomas Egdorf and Ed Argo, supported Marc Séguin and Kath Webster to lead us through warm up exercises and other tasks that revealed the context and practice of characteristics and skills of leadership in our community. These four exemplified and modeled leadership for all of us. Marc and Kath had travelled to Ontario last year to witness the leadership training and related to everyone at the Spring 09 PAN Conference how the effect of the training had impressed each of them.
My experience was far from one of disappointment! The four days were long and packed with intense work, but I have never felt such a change in my perspective about who I am as a leader and my potential in helping to form and change myself and my community in an affirming and supportive way. Thank you to PAN and OAN, the facilitators and my colleagues for contributing and making it a rewarding time."
~Kevin Saya-Moore
PAN and our friends at the OAN are gratified to know that this proved to be a positive experience for Kevin, and hopefully for the other folks who were at the training too!
We are currently compiling the post-event evaluation results from the training. The evaluation report will be distributed to all 18 participants of the training, posted to PAN’s website, and also made available at PAN’s upcoming Forum and AGM (taking place on October 28th and 29th in Richmond, BC).
Just a note as well, we will also be following up with participants and evaluating the training at 6 months, and 18 months. Again, we look forward to sharing the evaluation results from this, and all future leadership trainings, on our website.
As we reflect on the first training, we we would like to acknowledge the people and parties that made this possible:
Thank you to our partners at the Ontario AIDS Network, for helping PAN to bring this leadership training to PHAs in BC. In particular thank you to Thomas Egdorf and Ed Argo, OAN Facilitators, for travelling out west, to deliver the session and share your expertise and your wisdom.
Thank you to Kath Webster and Marc Seguin, the PAN "facilitators-in-training". We tremendously appreciate your volunteer commitment, vision and passon and all of the energy, dedication and time you have devoted to making this a reality. We look forward very much to continuing to work with you in developing this program in BC!
PAN would like to again acknowledge Merck Frosst, for their significant and generous financial support of the September 09 training. We are very pleased to be working partnership with you!
Thanks as well to the Public Health Agency of Canada, AIDS Community Action Program, for their financial contribution to the training as well as for their vision and sustained commitment to the Pacific AIDS Network.